How to Assemble Vessel Candles

Batch Size: 16 candles

Time Standard: 60 Minutes

  1.  Use hot glue to apply a generous bead along the inside edge of the rabbet and another in the middle.

2.  Quickly position the end so the bottom is flush. Flush is critical. Repeat step 1 and 2 for the other end.

3.  Put two 18-gauge 1" nails in both sides.
4.  Repeat the beads of glue from step and two on the second stave. Move quickly and position the side so it is flush with the bottom.

5. Put two more nails in on each side

6. Check and scrape the bottom of the body assembly to make sure there is nothing (hot glue or wood) that will prevent it from sitting flat on the base.  If the wood itself is not flat it can be helpful to run the bottom of the candle on the belt sander to level everything out.  

7. Apply a continuous bead of glue along the inside bottom of the body assembly. 

8. Use the glue roller to cover the candle base with a generous layer of glue.  Then flip the candle over and put it down centered on the base.

8. Place the wood block and bricks to press the candle down firmly on the ground.  Leave it to dry over night.

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