How to drill cheese tool dowels for tool insertion
Batch Size: 50
Time Standard: 25 minutes
Put the dowel end of the handle into the Cheese Tool Drill Set Up Jig
Clamp the cheese tool handle in the vertical drill jig with the outside of the stave to the left. Put the 9/32 drill bit in the drill press. Align the top hole of the cheese tool drill set up jig and clamp the vertical drilling jig down to the table. It will be easiest to deal with slight variations if you don't lock the table in place side to side. This way you can slightly adjust if necessary.
Set the depth stop to 2.5". This should be enough that the tang of the blade goes all the way in, but the bit doesn't go out the bottom of the dowel. You can check with a blade to make sure.
With the cheese tool drill setup jig still in place drill the hole. If everything goes right, once the hole has been drilled it should be almost perfectly centered in the dowel.
Next Stop: Handover to Fulfillment Shelves