Cheese Tool Assembly

NOTE: The cheese tool parts are sharp, exercise care when handling.  Also, hot glue is hot.  Hot things can burn you, exercise care when using the hot glue gun.

A cheese tool set is made up of these five tools, make sure you have the tools and bolsters (the metal collar between the blade and the handle) before you start.  Handles for sets of five should also be selected so the stave tip profiles look like they belong together.  

In a dry fit, the bottom of the metal bolster should sit flush to to the top of then handle, and the inside top of the bolster should sit flush on the top of the dowel in the handle.  If it doesn't sit flush you can sand down the dowel using a low grit sandpaper.

When the cheese tools with a knifes edge on one side are assembled, the blade should be assembled so the sharp side is down.

Once you are all set to start, slowly fill the cavity in the top of the dowel with hot glue.  It is important not to pump glue in too fast or there will be voids in the glue.  Fill to the top of the dowel.  It is better that there is a little overflow than a little underfill.  

Put the bolster on top of the dowel in the correct orrientation for the tool you are assembling.

Insert the cheese tool, check it for straightness in both vertical and horrizontal orrientations.  Set the tools aside for a half hour to allow the glue to set up before packaging

Unplug the glue gun after you are done.  

Next Stop: Fulfillment Assembly 1