Machining Trophy Shelves

Batch Size: 24 Backers/24 Shelf Components

Time Standard: ##


Put the Trophy Shelf jig down on the phantom aligned to the pins.  When you load the backers in the jig it is critical that the BEVELED SIDE IS DOWN.

As you are loading shelves, take into account the position of any blemishes on the front of the backer.  Attempt to make sure they get covered up by the shelf/brackets/pegs.  Make sure they get loaded BEVELED SIDE DOWN

Make sure the correct bits are in the tool holders

Z axis should be zeroed to the bottom, make sure all tools are appropriately calibrated with the fixed calibration.  

Run the appropriate backer file.  There are separate files for Trophy Shelf Backers and Hockey Puck Display Shelf Backers.


Load shelves with the BEVELED EDGE AWAY FROM YOU with the BEST SIDE UP.  Use wedge extensions with the C wedges to hold in the shelves.

Make sure the correct bits are in the tool holders

Z axis should be zeroed to the bottom, make sure all tools are appropriately calibrated with the fixed calibration.  

Run the shelf machining file.

Next Stop: To be Assembled Shelves