How to Cut Staves
(How to cut wine tray staves, how to cut candle staves, how to cut staves, how to cut tray staves)
Miter Saw Station Set-Up
Miter Saw Station Set-Up
Time Standard: 1 min/unit
Find the fence jig for what you are cutting. This example will show the 4.5” stave tray, but the process is the same for all lengths.
Set the fence to the right of the blade w/center jig and 4.5" stave tray piece. Clamp handles should face AWAY from you.
Set the fence to the left of the blade w/center jig and 4.5" stave tray piece. Clamp handles should face AWAY from you.
Set the stave in the jig with the curve facing away from you.
Center the stave using the hashes at the end. Both sides should touch ~the same number of hashes. Clamp stave in place.
Cut the right side of the stave off, bringing the blade straight down. Jig aligned to the LEFT fence.
Cut the left side of the stave off, bringing the blade straight down. Jig aligned to the RIGHT fence.
Put the stave ends in a separate crate from the stave middles.
Next Stop: Table Saw -- Take to Table Saw Drop Zone.
Table Saw Station Setup
Table Saw Station Setup
Time Standard: 30 seconds/unit
Set the jig in the groove so it is half on the table saw, half on the extension. Clamp extension to table saw. Use RIP BLADE.
Use the foldable leg to set extension in place. This is step 1 part b.
Clamp stave to jig using the correct width. If there is a bad side, try to cut that part off.
Make sure the corner of the jig is square in place
Put the scrap piece in the left-most crate.
Use the knife (or blow) to clear sawdust from the corner. Put the ripped stave in a new crate
Next Stop: Sand Land/Router Drop Zone