Assemble Wine Tray Staves

Put the handle in the jig 
Check the dot on the bottom of the tray. Red is V1, Black is V2. This tells you which type of stave you will need. Fit the tray into the groove. 
Find staves that match each other (color/shade of wood, etc.) Fit them onto the base. Check that there are no gaps between the stave and the base.
Put the staves on. Make sure they fit the groove well. 
Clamp the staves to the jig. Try to keep them flat on the jig table (they have a tendency to tilt out) 
Put drill guide over handle and clamp it to the handle. 
Drill through the holes. 
Screw in the #8 1-½” screws. Two on each stave. 
Flip the tray around and repeat.
Put tray on cart with the order form in it. If order has more than one tray, stack the 2nd on upside down on first and put order form in between.

Wine Tray Assembly FAQs: