How to Cut Cardboard Backer for State Shaped Frames

NOTE: Use the old crosscut or general blade on the table saw to cut cardboard backers from 36"x48" single wall corrugated sheets.  If you have scrap pieces, turn them into either 6x12" or 8x20"

We have 4 sizes for state-shaped frame cardboard. 
11.875" x 11.785" (Small States)15.875" x`15.875" (Large States)29"x17" 24"x12" 
11.875" x 11.875" Use general blade to cut cardboard on table saw into 11.875" strips. Then turn those 90 degrees and cut again. 
15.875 x 15.875"Use general blade to cut cardboard on table saw into 15.875" strips. Turn those strips 90 degrees and cut again.