How to Cut Flattened Staves for Maple and Wine Barrel Cutting Boards

Batch Size: 12

Time Standard: 30 minutes

Stack up a handful of staves together, keeping them as even as possible.  Position your cutting template so it is centered on the staves.  Cut at one end of the template so they share a perfectly even end.

Shift the staves to the other side keeping them perfectly lined up on the side you just cut.  Use the template to line up your next cut.  All of your staves should now be very close to all being 16.25" in length.

Use the Cutting Board Stave Width Ripping Jig to rip a clean side on the stave.  Position the stave so the more curved side that wasn't already ripped once is the side to the blade and the portion on the inside of the barrel is down.

Since all your staves have been ripped to approximately the same width you can now feed them through the planer with the side you just ripped down.  It will only take a couple passes to rip them down to 1" thick.  The ripped side should now be parallel to the planed side.

Use the Cutting Board Stave Depth Cutting Jig to rip the depth.  Place the purple side against the jig and clamp in place.  Rip off the back portion of the stave.

Next Stop: Glue Up Station