How to Laser Harvest Baskets

Find the jig for the harvest baskets in the cabinet next to the small laser and align it with the tapelines on the Right side

Load the file that needs to be lasered and see how many baskets are being made.

Control + I or File>import

Grab the number of basket bases from the crate under the table. They should already be separated. Use the ones that are face up for the customers design.

You can see how many baskets that need to be lasered in the preview if you click the file name once when importing it.

place the bases in the laser faceup on the jig with the groove facing down.

Next, go back on the computer and make sure the power and speed settings are set. Double click the scan/cut layer (Orange for cut, Blue for scan) click parameter library and select "harvest basket scan" for the blue scan layer and "Harvest basket cut" for the orange cut layer. Power and speed settings below if needed.

Blue Scan layer: Speed:250
Power: 24
Orange Cut Layer: Speed:65

Download and name the file and press ok.

head to the control panel on the laser and load the file you just downloaded. Press the file button and select your file, newer files should always be at the top with 0 next to it and press enter. Frame and auto-focus at this time.

Start the file and let it finish.

Once the file is done, flip the bases over in the same spot on the jig keeping everything inline. We now need to load up the "HB Logos x15"
it should be located in the "Saved files" folder. You may need to delete some of the design if you don't have all 15.

Double click the Brown cut layer and select parameter library and choose "harvest basket logos"

You should not have to change the power or speed but if needed they are..

Power: 85
Speed: 14

Download, name it and Load it up on the laser itself. Auto focus and frame it before starting.

Once it is completed gather the lasered bases as well the Blank bases that will be the other end of the basket, plus order forms, and take them to the assembly station.