Assemble Harvest Baskets

Grab the correct packing slip with the personalized side and a blank side
Put the rails in the holes so the grooves line up as much as possible.
Work the wire mesh into the groove. Start at bottom corners and work way up.
Make sure the mesh is all the way in the rail and not sticking out anywhere.
Put the curved handle in the top hole and then line up the mesh and the rails with the other side. It’s easiest if you hold it against your body
Shoot a 1” 23-Gauge nail into each joint of the basket (every place the rails/handle connect to the side) **Note the angle of the nail gun. Nail should go in with the grain**
Place the order tag in the basket and put it on the cart to be packed/shipped.

How to Disassemble Harvest Baskets (if a side needs replacing or something)

Put harvest basket hanging over corner of a table, so the rails are free on either side.

Take a rail, and line it up over a rail on the assembled basket.

Hammer this rail so it knocks the other one out.