How to Make a Kanban Card
Navigate to the Kanban board in Trello
Create a template card by clicking the card template button in the bottom right corner of the correct list. The correct list depends first of what the current status of the item in question.
External - Don't need to order more, purchased from an external source (ex. 1x2 select pine, 4x8 sheets of plywood, pegs, paint)
Internal - Produced internally from materials in the external category (ex. painted laser sheets, stave tray bases, smores stick handles)
Kanban Quantity Reached - Need to order more
In Progress - Have ordered more, waiting on delivery
Waiting - For some reason we have determined we don't want to replace this right now. Should be used very rarely.
Edit the information including the title, and various information in the description.
Notes on each field:
Storage Location - This should be as specific as possible so someone can replace the item when available.
Restock Trigger Quantity (RTQ) - Once inventory is below this level, the item is reordered. In theory this should be the quantity required until the arrival of the replenishment. This usually works out to a 1-2 week supply. There is a balance though of how difficult it is to separate an appropriate RTQ. For example, if the item is sold in boxes that constitute a six month supply, some smaller portion should be broken out as the RTQ. However, if one box is consumed per month, it is appropriate to stretch the RTQ to be a single box.
Reorder Quantity - This should be enough to last about two months. Factors like how quickly the item arrives, shipping costs, and bulk discounts should play into establishing the reorder quantity.
Supplier - If this is external list the supplier and add a link to the product page.
Notes - Any additional details that could be helpful.
Once the information is updated scroll to the bottom and click the Share button, then copy the link to the card.
While at the print computer, navigate to Kanban Card Label Template.
Update the item name, RTQ, and storage location to match the Trello card you just created. Paste the address you just copied over the existing address in the Update link to Trello card field.
Print the Kanban Card Label Template and Kanban Card Bag according to the instructions after you scroll down on the template page (follow the green arrows).
Put the Kanban Card Label Template on a yellow card and a baggie from the Kanban Supplies box (under the print computer).
Put the Kanban card into the baggie. Then put the the baggie w/card and the kanban item into a separate container that will physically separate the reorder trigger quantity from the rest of the stock. The container should be something that will stay with the baggie permanently and labeled accordingly (ex. ziploc bag, cardboard box, cardboard insert). Put it all away.